The Power of Prayer

Prayer is an honest conversation with God.
Prayer has the Power to change things in your life for the better.
Through prayer, you can experience a miraculous turnaround, an unexplained intervention, an incredible event or an unexpected positive outcome.


  • Sudden tragedy or loss.
  • When something happens that we just don’t understand.
  • Prayers that aren’t answered in the way we want.
  • Prayers that aren’t answered fast enough.
  • Overwhelming life situations and problems.
  • When bad things happen to good people.
  • When good things happen to bad people.

We must strengthen our faith in God.
Especially when things get tough.
In life, we must have confidence that the Lord will intervene in the situation.
Through your relationship with God, you have more Power than you realize.

Let us pray:
Dear God, I thank you for the many blessings you’ve already given to me.
But right now, I’m going thru a very difficult time. Your Word says “Have faith.”
Please increase my faith that I may trust only in you.
I thank you for hearing and answering my prayer. Amen

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