As a retired, ordained Pastor of the A.M.E. Church (African Methodist Episcopal), I was stunned, shocked and saddened upon hearing of the mindless, outrageous and horrible killings today at Mother Emanuel A.M.E. Church in South Carolina.

As I pondered the racial overtones of these killings, my mind traveled back to the early days of slavery. I pondered the question, “how far have we really progressed from the days of slavery? The answer is “not far enough.” What a discouraging thought to admit that the essence, actions, overtones and reality of slavery still remain in the hearts and thoughts of some Americans. And still the killings persist. Black on white….white on black, black on black and white on white. Prencentformafer . It still persists.

African Methodism teaches and preaches ‘Love and Peace.’ The majority of our faith traditions teach ‘Love and Peace.” We seem to believe that love and peace are primary objectives, intertwined in our faith traditions. Then how did we arrive at the brokenness, the sickness that we find in America and throughout the entire world, if in fact, we believe in, and practice our faiths. The disconnect of souls and spirits…the disconnect of loving others as God loves us, is mind-boggling.

529169311_640As the producer of the TV show “Interfaith Odyssey” I’m blessed to work with numerous faith traditions. I’ve learned to listen to my Christian panelists, my Buddhist panelists, my Sikh, my Jewish, Muslum, Baha’i and Hindu panelists. All of these faith traditions appear on my TV show. I visibly see the effects of their faith traditions in their interactions with others. I experience the peace and love flowing from each of them. But there is a disconnect. How can we carry the basic message of our traditions to a suffering and dying world? The lessons we learn within our religious groups must then be conveyed to the world. Then the world can mimic the examples of true love and true peace.

As a Christian, I believe in Jesus Christ, the author of love and peace. Jesus Christ is the example we use to demonstrate that we are true followers of Him. Jesus loved those who beat him, lied on Him, scourged Him, spat on Him…..even those who pierced him in the side and crucified Him. But yet, He loved and forgave them all.

A.M.E.’s are a praying people. We believe that through prayer, God will fix any and all situations. And so we hold on to our faith “until our change comes.” Therefore, we know that God will work out this current, horrendous situation in a positive manner. He always does.

May I suggest that perhaps we need to evolve into ambassadors of our own faith traditions and share the good, the peace and love, that God has placed inside of us all? Perhaps if a Christian…a Muslim…a Baha’i…a Hindu…a Buddhist…and a Jew would reach out to those persons who have never, ever been exposed to love and peace. Then and only then will we experience the attributes that St. Francis of Assisi prayed about when he penned these words: “Lord, make me an instrument of your Peace.” Then, together we can change the world.

Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me.

Rev. Priscilla Carey-Tucker, President & CEO
Metropolitan Christian Council: Detroit-Windsor

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